Friday, February 27, 2009

The September 27th post

Well, I finished it and I'm not really sure what day it is right now or if this is any good. I am pretty sure I did not get across what I wanted to, and not really sure what I wanted to communicate made any sense!

I just had this feeling when I was out on the river that I was living close to the metal, so to speak, and somehow the arts were like this rarefied privileged thing, which well, they aren't.

So maybe it is appropriate that I finally wrote it up in a haze between nap and sleep after pointlessly reading websites for an hour that I knew would make me angry.

Which, well, suggests I need another blog.

If we accept Freud's classification of ego, superego, and id, which is trite but somehow useful, I think this blog could end up functioning as ego, the excuses excuses thing as superego, and I still need some place for the id to rage. I suspect this should be anonymous.

At least that is what the superego tells me.


  1. Of course, your id rage space is what you do in the real world. It works for me anyway.

  2. I think that Freud's ideas were underdeveloped, you need to get into Carl Jung. Jung said, the opposite of love is control. Jesus said, love your enemies. Do you see how that interacts so strangely? And how they both start with J.

    Anyhow, what I wanted to say was, I'm sorry for criticising you about not having a point system on your main blog. Also for misspelling criticising twice and not bothering to click the word to correct it.
